Friday 17 May 2013

Oh The Shame

I completed a piece of free writing in my English lesson recently. The instruction were to write for ten minutes about a experience where we had disappointed an adult in our younger years. We also were told to include five of our 'favourite words' and this spiced up the writing somewhat. Free writing is not my strong point but this is what I came up with;

There was one time when I was in year two that I still cannot seem to get over. I was always thought of as good and well-behaved at primary school, but this act could have changed this all. We were doing a project on cats and each person had to bring in a toy cat of their own. One girl had quite a sassy little cat with real-looking fur which she hoisted on to the table. I then seized this and without thinking pulled the little cat away from its wicker basket it sat in. Big mistake. I had tried to hide my faux pas by shoving the cat back in and pretending nothing had ever happened. This bubble of guilt has never left me and I wish I had said at the time that it was I who broke the sassy cat.


  1. I enjoy your language choices in this piece. How do you think the task links with 'To kill A Mockingbird'?

  2. I like the idea that this event still haunts you even though it was so long ago, and seems probably insignificant to others! I really like your use of your favourite words, and I hope writing this has released you from some guilt!xxx

  3. I really liked this. The part where you said that his could have changed everything made the piece so much more dramatic. Although, I do feel sorry for the sassy cat and the owner it belonged to.

    1. Thank you! And yes me too, I will never live it down.

  4. i really like the way you have clung to this memory even though it may seem completely insignificant to everyone else!! :)

  5. I like this story very much, but perhaps when you posted it you could have expanded on the story a little more. Just a suggestion and I really enjoyed reading this anyway! :)
